The calendar flips to March and suddenly, the snow is melting, the sun is really coming out, and you’re looking to set up your artificial plants for the spring and summer around your property. Unfortunately, with the sun comes UV rays. Those pose an immediate danger to any artificial greenery, particularly if they’re the cheap variety.

Why UV Rays Are Problematic

UV rays cause a lot of materials and chemical-based colors to fade. Buying faux plants is no different. If you set them out in front of the sun, eventually, they are likely to experience some fading.

This isn’t necessarily a big deal, however, if you have purchased very bright fake flowers or greenery that’s reliant upon having a very vibrant look, any sort of fading can render its aesthetic to looking like plastic or, well, artificial.

What Can We Do About UV Rays And Fake Plants?

With premium fake plants, a lot of them already are UV-protected. They have a UV barrier materialized around each leaf.

Though this isn’t the case with every faux plant, any premium-made plant is going to be far better across the board at handling sun and climate compared to cheap inexpensive artificial plants bought from a Walmart or similar source.

If you do not have a UV-protected plant, the next thing to try is a UV spray. A UV spray will coat artificial plants, flowers, and greenery with a layer of UV protection. Sprays absolutely do work in minimizing fading and fending off the damage that UV rays can do, however, it’s not always recommended to use sprays and here’s why.

Why UV Sprays For Faux Plants May Be Harmful

A UV spray is made with chemical. So you’re potentially toxifying a non-toxic plant right off the bat. 

The second issue with UV sprays is the look. Depending on what an artificial plant is made from, spraying it down and coating it can give it a sort of plastic look. It can render the original appearance to be more fake-looking.

As a way around this, you can test a spray on a single leaf or if there’s a damaged part of your artificial plant that’s been removed, use that. This way, you can judge what the final look may resemble.

Other Things You Can Do To Avoid Sun

Although UV sprays work for artificial plants, if you want to avoid having to spray, simply being aware of what plants are out and for how long can help you decide what to do with them. Rotating plants. Keeping them out of direct sunlight. Putting fake plants in a shaded area or underneath an umbrella or top. These are all strategies you can use as an alternative to UV rays.

For the best in artificial plants and premium fake plants that you know will stand up to the sun’s rays, check out You can catch hundreds of premium fake plants that pair well with the outdoors or indoors. They look ultra-realistic, are handcrafted and hand-painted, and exceed the quality you will find at any retailer. Visit today to learn more.
Andrew Lu